The Guide To Successful CV Writing
23rd July 2019
“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first”
12th September 2019People can make or break your business. In today's market, the war over talent and retention is growing tougher, especially for smaller companies who don't have the budgets to offer the most competitive packages.
Over the past 15 years, I have recruited for businesses in a number of industries in the UK, and during this time I've have heard of so many failed attempts at recruiting the right person for a position that - on paper - seemed like an "easy fill". With employment at an increased high across the UK, it is becoming more challenging to attract and retain staff, and this can result in employing someone who may just "get the job done" and not much more.
We appreciate that time and cost are governing factors in the recruitment process, and whilst so many organisations can see recruitment agencies as an addition to this cost, the right recruiter can save the business on both!
Whilst "doing it yourself" is certainly an option, when time and staff resource is costed into the process, many organisations often realise at some point in their search, that this is not always the most effective solution. When it comes to gaining an understanding of how we can work together, we encourage our clients to understand our process and hopefully realise the value that we can add to the business in the long term.
What Does a Recruiter Do?
As an established and reputable recruiter, our role is to continuously search the job market for good candidates that we can work with and represent. We pre-screen all candidates prior to saving their CV’s, to determine their suitability for any live positions or clients that we work with, who may have an interest in their experience and skills. We also advertise a variety of positions across several paid-for cv sites, and therefore attract good talent across all levels. Our clients get the benefit of this service included in our fee.
Our Complimentary Full Service Recruitment Package
Our full service recruitment package is complimentary, until the point that a candidate officially joins your team. We only invoice once they are over the threshold! This complimentary service includes: -
Meeting - Telephone or face to face meeting with our client, to understand the position on offer.
Job Description – Tailoring the job description into clear and concise job adverts to ensure that the position is targeted at the right audience.
Advertising – Advertising across a number of paid-for sites, as well as Linkedin and our own database of registered candidates.
CV shortlisting – Includes in-depth pre-screening telephone interviews to determine a candidate's suitability, prior to sending CVs to our client. We don't assess ability just on experience and skills. Through in-depth conversations, we can identify candidates whose CV may otherwise have been overlooked by a hiring manager when sifting through hundreds of applications against a list of preconceived requirements.
Interviews - Arrangements and negotiations, confirmation paperwork and detailed, face-to-face candidate preparation, prior to an interview.
The Recruitment fee only becomes a factor when an introduction is made and that candidate starts with the company, at which point, we will also assist you with the introductions to your business. We negotiate and handle both offers and confirmations, and keep in touch with both our client and the candidate until they start. At this point, we invoice our client for the service, which - when broken down by process and time - is a cost effective tool to success.
For more information about how we can help improve your recruitment and retention process, please feel free to get in touch via phone on 07469 706432, or via email to hello@collaboraterec.com. We are always available for a chat or initial consultation - and what's more - it's free!